“The future Erasmus programme: more inclusive, digitalised and green”, by Elena Tegovska,
Leading the Erasmus+ Team, DG EAC, European Commission

“Erasmus+ International Dimension 2021-2027”, by Benedicte Einarsen,
European Commission-Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport

and Culture, Directorate C, Unit C3

"Tackling the Digital Skills Gap - Blockchain for Education", by Lily Stoyanov,
CEO of Transformify, Professor at Zigurat Business School, Expert Evaluator Horizon 2020, EU Commission

“How to become part of European Universities – “SUPER ERASMUS” in the forthcoming call. Success factors”
by, Savena Borisova, Head of EAEC European Coordination Office in Bulgaria

ATHENA European University: mainstreaming sustainable international academic mobility, by Nuno Escudeiro
EAEC, Polytechnic Institute of Porto

Click here to see the full programme

Additional Sessions could be announced soon