2010 Conference Flyer

- Barbara Nolan, Head of ERASMUS Unit, Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission, Belgium
- Monika Holik, Head of Unit, European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Belgium
- Arthur Mettinger, Vice-Rector of the University of Vienna, on behalf of UNICA, Austria
- Anthony Vickers, UK Bologna Expert, University of Essex, UK
- Katerina Galanaki, Bologna Expert of Greece, Head of International Relations – AUEB, ECTS/DS National Contact Point, Secretary General of the Greek Rectors' Conference
- Raimonda Markeviciene, Bologna Expert of Lithuania, Vilnius University
- Stavros A. Zenios, President of UNICA, Rector, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- Volz Gerhard, Deputy Director of the NA, Head of Area ERASMUS, Vienna, Austria

2010 Conference Poster