Call for Abstracts and Sessions
The Erasmus Coordinators Conference 2009 (ERACON2009) will consist of several workshops/symposiums/sessions covering multiple themes. The official language of the conference is English.
The main themes of the conference include:
Participants interested to submit a presentation in one of the themes above please send an abstract to the attention of Dr Makrides Gregory at, following the instructions for preparation of abstracts.
Special Symposiums, Sessions and Round Table include:
Deadline for submission of interest with abstracts to the chairs of the sessions is the 15th of March 2009.
ERACON - Session 1 (2 hours). Electronic Tools for supporting ERASMUS Mobility, Placements and Training
In this section we invite developers to present new developments in digital support of mobility.
To participate as presenter please write to Mr George Economides, chair of the session at
ERACON - Session 2 (2 hours): Interprofessional educational and vocational trainig frontiers in the health sector
The health sector is an utmost dynamic and outstanding important component of societies world-wide. Sustain and appropriate relationships in this area amongst European societies, and between Europe and other regions of the world, are requiring careful monitoring of demands for integrated educational plus vocational measures beyond biomedical borders and in line with WHO concepts or UN MDG visions.
EAEC is to run a specific workshop session on European minded innovative educational and vocational concepts (BA, MA, PhD, LLL, on the job training, and practical implementation). Institutions, societies, associations, federations, patient help groups, en¬ter¬prise, national representatives and other political decision makers interested in coope¬rating with EAEC to monitor and develop sustain health initiatives in education and research supported initiatives are kindly invited to register with EAEC for active or passive participation.
Please send a brief abstract of not more than 200 words what and in which form you would like to contribute. Apart from reporting on general curricular concepts, specific education and training oriented subject and European minded interprofessional implementation strategies would be welcome.
A program committee (chair Prof. Dr. med. W. Breipohl will consider interested contributors.
ERACON - Session 3: Presentation of Higher Education Institutions
Starting from ERACON 2009 we will offer the opportunity to higher education institutions to make presentations about their institutions in a special room, which will run parallel to the GO-Exchange Educational Fair. This will give the opportunity to the conference participants to listen to more detailed information about an institution, the country and region where it belongs to and in addition to have the opportunity to watch a short DVD about the institution. Presentations of higher education institutions will be limited to 15 minutes each. Full technology will be provided.
For making a presentation in this session write to Ms Elena Avgoustidou at
ERACON Round Table 1 (2 hours). Round table: "Quality of Practical Placement of Students in Enterprises"
Chair: professor Doru Talaba, European University Enterprises Network,
An agenda will be announced at a later stage.
More Sessions will be announced soon.
European University Enterprises Symposium

EUE Network
in cooperation with
EAEC (European Association of ERASMUS coordinators)
EOC (European Office of Cyprus)
EUE-Session 1 (2 hours). Entrepreneurship as a transversal subject in the University curricula:
- Models of syllabus in various countries,
- Best practice for teaching and Learning of Entrepreneurship in European countries,
- Involvement of entrepreneurs in the Teaching and Learning process,
- case studies
To participate as presenter please write to professor Doru Talaba, chair of the session at
EUE-Session 2 (2 hours). Career Development Offices (CDO) as mediators between Enterprises and Academia in Europe:
- Working and business models involving the three actors: Enterprise, University, Students,
- CDO Networks in Europe: statistics, area of geographical coverage, European dimension
To participate as presenter please write to professor Doru Talaba, chair of the session at
Special Theme and Round Table Sessions include:
Deadline for submission of interest with abstracts to the chairs of the sessions is the 27th of February 2009.