European University Enterprises Network Symposium
Chair: professor Doru Talaba
EUE-Session 1 (2 hours). Entrepreneurship as a transversal subject in the University curricula:
- Models of syllabus in various countries,
- Best practice for teaching and Learning of Entrepreneurship in European countries,
- Involvement of entrepreneurs in the Teaching and Learning process,
- case studies
To participate as presenter please write to professor Doru Talaba, chair of the session at talaba@unitbv.ro
EUE-Session 2 (2 hours). Career Development Offices (CDO) as mediators between Enterprises and Academia in Europe:
- Working and business models involving the three actors: Enterprise, University, Students,
- CDO Networks in Europe: statistics, area of geographical coverage, European dimension
To participate as presenter please write to professor Doru Talaba, chair of the session at talaba@unitbv.ro